Clarke House Fund

The Thomas Clarke House at the Princeton Battlefield is a part of our American history.  It is the only remaining structure from the pivotal January 3, 1777 American victory over British regulars that set our Revolution on the road to success.  It was home to a Quaker farming family; it was a hospital for British and American soldiers after the battle; General Hugh Mercer died here. The heritage and memory of our struggle for independence is within its walls.

But age and weather have taken a toll.

The House needs stewards and caretakers who will protect and preserve what happened here almost 250 years ago.

Our question to you:  If the Princeton Battlefield Society and you don’t respond to protect, repair, and preserve the Clarke House, who will?
Please help us save the Clarke House with a Donation today.

Photo Clarke Houise - Front

I am Interested, Clarke House Fund

Or, kindly send your check to:
The Princeton Battlefield Society,
P. O. Box 7645,
Princeton, NJ 08543.