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Cadwalader Lecture Series: Black Soldiers in America’s Wars with John Rees

The Princeton Battlefield Society (PBS) and Morven Museum & Garden are pleased to host the 2nd Cadwalader Lecture featuring local author and historian John Rees. Rees will discuss the largely unknown and under-appreciated role Black soldiers played in the fight for Independence at Princeton and the American Revolution.

Rees is the author of the newly released Don Troiani’s Black Soldiers in America’s Wars, 1754-1865, written with prominent military artist Don Troiani. Copies of the book will be available for sale and signing by the author.

The evening will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a reception and refreshments followed by the talk at 7:00 p.m.

PBS and Morven would like to thank the Cadwalader Lecture’s sponsors, the Cadwalader and Morehouse families. 

About John Rees
During his career, Rees has centered his writing on the common soldiers and women who served with the armies of the Revolution. He has authored over 200 articles, many available online. His first book, “They Were Good Soldiers: African Americans Serving in the Continental Army, 1775-1783 was published in 2019.

About Don Troiani
Don Troiani is well-known for his extremely accurate historical and military paintings.  His work has appeared in numerous publications and is represented in the collections of many museums, including the Smithsonian’s Museum of History and Technology, the United States Marine Corps Museum, and the National Museum of African American History and Culture. His work has recently been featured in a year-long exhibition at the Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia.

About the Cadwalader Lectures
Concerned with Americans’ ignorance about the fight for Independence and the Battle, PBS created the Cadwalader Series to educate new generations about the Battle and the American Revolution as part of its two-year program to honor the 250th Anniversary of the Nation’s birth and the Battle of Princeton in 2026 and 2027. The Series is named after Gen. John Cadwalader, one of the American heroes at the Battle.


Stockton Educational Center at Morven Museum and Gardens
55 Stockton St
Princeton, NJ 08540 United States
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